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As the first pediatric hospital in Southern California, Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) is a nonprofit institution that provides pediatric health care and helps our patients more than half a million times each year in a setting designed just for their needs. Our history began in 1901 in a small house on the corner of Alpine and Castelar Streets (now Hill St. in Chinatown) and today our medical experts offer more than 350 pediatric specialty programs and services to meet the needs of our patients. 
Services Provided at The Wellness Center:
Managing Chronic Conditions: CHLA offers Diabetes Prevention and Management classes.
Health & Fitness Group Classes: CHLA also offers cooking and fitness classes for the community as well. 
To learn more about Children's Hospital Los Angeles, click here.
For a schedule of classes at The Wellness Center, click here
For more information, please contact:
Aimee Ayala
Samantha Garcia

Do You Struggle to Manage your Diabetes?

Find out more information about a program that can help you!

A Message from our Executive Director, Rosa Soto
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Throughout my career, I have always been an advocate for community care and empowerment. I aim to be a voice for those who often go unheard while at the same time encourage community members to take control of their health to ensure they live a long and thriving life. The Wellness Center's unique focus on the prevention of disease came like a breath of fresh air in the community; addressing the root causes of disease helps us fulfill our mission of creating sustainable healthy communities. 


To think about the immense change and growth of The Wellness Center since it opened its doors just 5 years ago is truly inspiring. We are proud to be working with a wide array of individuals and organizations that mirror our passion to improve the lives of the communities around The Wellness Center. I want to thank all of our donors, partners, non-profit staff and volunteers. Our impactful work and accomplishments would not be possible without your help. 


I am incredibly grateful to be part of The Wellness Center family and am eager to see the trajectory of growth in the coming years. The best is yet to come!

Rosa Soto,

Executive Director of LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation & The Wellness Center

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Dr. Richard Zapanta had a true passion for improving the lives of Los Angeles County Residents via his roles as an orthopedic surgeon, philanthropist and civic leader. 


He believed that service to his community could be achieved through philanthropic endeavors as evidence by the numerous nonprofit boards he sat on including the LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, Inc. and the establishment of The Wellness Center at the Historic General Hospital. 

Your donation in his memory will help enhance and expand the programs and services offered at The Wellness Center; thus, keeping Dr. Zapanta's legacy alive for generations to come.

Privacy Policy

To read our privacy policy and terms of use, please click here. 



The Wellness Center is open 

Monday through Friday 

from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays as well as all Federal, State, and county-observed holidays. 



Historic General Hospital, 1st Floor

1200 N. State Street

Los Angeles , CA 90033


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The Wellness Center. All Rights Reserved. © 2025

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