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Our Mission

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The mission of The Wellness Center is to inspire and empower residents and patients to take control of their own health and well-being by providing culturally sensitive wellness and prevention services and resources that enable prevention, address the root cause of disease and improve health outcomes.

The Wellness Center houses multiple nonprofit tenant organizations, facilitates sharing space and services that might otherwise be expensive (e.g., conference and meeting space, kitchen facilities), fosters opportunities for collaboration (as well as space for community events), and serves a diverse client base (e.g, youth, seniors, environmentalists, and people of color).


It became a communal space for the community and patients, a way to connect patients to wellness care, and a safe space to play and exercise outdoors. Fitness trail, walking path and age appropriate play and equipment provides opportunities for physical activity and community building. Services ranging from computer literacy classes to job search assistance are offered through various partners. The Wellness Center is a place that serves a community in need and is re-conceptualizing health and wellness.

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