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No podemos hacer este trabajo sin ti

Your donations to The Wellness Center help bring better health, health equity, and access to care in Los Angeles!

The Wellness Center is a one-stop community services hub on the campus of the LA General Medical Center. We provide free-of-charge services to our clients, helping them navigate the health system, access healthcare enrollment, receive legal assistance, food and housing support, mental and behavioral health, and other critical services that enable individuals and families to achieve and maintain a healthier life. 

We receive more than 85,000 visits a year across our client base of more than 33,000 unique individuals. ​Your support meaningfully impacts the lives of our clients and the health of our community. Your gift in any amount, one-time or recurring, will enable us to reach and serve more Angelenos in need. 




​Los Angeles General Medical Center Hospital Heroes on the Front Lines Fighting COVID-19


Our Hospital Heroes are on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) and with support from you, we can make sure they have:

  • Mental health support services and resources

  • Wellness programs and resources

  • Support for ongoing recruitment efforts to get the best medical personnel for our community


Please support our Hospital Heroes today

with a tax deducible donation to

The Wellness Center and the

LA General Medical Center Foundation.  

<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/people">People vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com</a>

For all donations in excess of $1,000, please contact
Heather Hays, Associate Director, at 310.600.3799 or via email at heather@thewellnesscenterla.org.

The LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit, exempt organization as described in
Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN #95-4192908).  All donations received are tax-deductible.

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